Greetings from the Mayor

Dear Friends,

I have the pleasure to welcome you to the website of Poros Municiplaity, which aims to inform you more effectively about the services, activities and actions of our Municipality as well as the decisions of the collective bodies, committees and the Municipal Port Organization.

Our intention is to strengthen communication between the Municipality and citizens, transparency, and functionality, creating a new, extrovert, modern and friendly environment. We aspire that our website will be a step of transparency for our decisions and actions with the aim of promoting electronic governance and the creation of a modern and digital Municipality where the Citizen will participate by proposing ideas and solutions.

At the same time, we promote our place as a tourist destination, highlighting the rich characteristics of our island as a historical place, a destination with a strategic location in the Saronic Gulf.

With the addition of the digital applications that will be operational in a short time, we aim to upgrade the Municipality's communication with citizens and visitors, to improve everyday life and quality of life.

Happy browsing!

With honour

George Koutouzis

Latest News

Tremendous success: Poros to be the new GR-eco Island at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai

Tremendous success: Poros to be the new GR-eco Island at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai

December 07, 2023

The announcement by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis that Poros will become the next “green island” of our country within the framework of the pioneering GR-Eco Islands project marks a historic development for the island’s future.

The decision was announced in Dubai in the context of Greece's first participation in the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), and it was the most significant decision made by the Prime Minister during the opening of the Greek pavilion on Friday 1 December 2023. The announcement was accompanied by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Ministry of Environment & Energy and the UAE’s renewable energy company Masdar, for the transformation of Poros into a new GR-Eco Island, in the presence of Mr. Mitsotakis, the President of the Conference and UAE's Special Envoy for Climate Change Sultan Al Jaber, the Mayor of Poros Ioannis Dimitriadis and other officials and businessmen of the two countries.

The GR-Eco Islands project, which has been implemented so far in Astypalaia and Halki, includes flagship energy interventions in infrastructure and services in the areas of waste management, water management, culture, information technology, communications and transport in the country’s small islands.

The progress that the island has shown in recent years in the aforementioned areas, as well as the exemplary cooperation over the past year between the island's municipal administration and the Ministry of Environment & Energy in documenting the selection and the planning of the project were decisive for choosing Poros, among dozens of small islands, to become the new GR-Eco Island. The significance of selecting Poros is even greater considering that one of the critical selection criteria previously announced was related to the inability of the candidate islands to be connected to the mainland energy system (which does not apply in the case of Poros), and that Poros was not included in the list of small and remote islands in the country previously announced as candidates for the program.

After the signing of the MoU., the Mayor of Poros Ioannis Dimitriadis stated:

“Today, the most important development in the history of our island is being officially established. Poros is at the heart of our country’s environmental policy and at the center of world news. This is the culmination of many months of confidential cooperation between our municipal administration and the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and it marks the recognition of all the significant work that we did in Poros over the past few years. I would like to thank Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the Deputy Minister of Environment Mrs. Alexandra Sdoukou, the associate of the Prime Minister Mr. Christos Zografos and the sponsoring company Masdar for showing us their trust and for recognizing the potential of our island, which is given this unique opportunity to be the environmental model of our country. More details about the content and the importance of the project will be published soon”..

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Generally about Poros

The island of Poros is located on the southeastern edge of the Saronic Gulf near the Peloponnese, it covers an area of 23 sq. km. and consists of two smaller islands, Sferia (capital - port) and Kalavria, which are connected by a small canal. The population of the municipality according to the 2011 census amounts to 3.993 inhabitants and its area is approximately 49 sq. km., as its territory, apart from the island of Poros, includes a part of 26 sq. km. in the Peloponnese, from the end of the city of Galata to the coast opposite the island of Hydra. The enclosed port between the island of Poros and the mountains of Troizinia gives the place a peaceful, calm tone, as George Seferis said, the poet who wrote 'Kichli', one of the most important poems in modern Greek literature, at Villa Galini in Poros. This port is the largest and safest port in the Saronic Gulf and one of the largest and safest natural ports throughout Greece, with a huge capacity of passing vessels and arrivals exceeding 10.000 per year.



Watch the official promo video of Poros Island.